Canada Club

Canada Club! Listings
Canada Club! listings have been brought to you by the Canadian Snowbird Association in order to promote and enhance the snowbird lifestyle by acting as the facilitator of communications between Canadian snowbirds while temporarily resident in foreign countries.
If you host a Canada Club! event that you’d like to grow, or would like to start one, let us help. We’ll try to list your event in the CSANews, if there’s space. But you have to be a member of the CSA, and we’d really appreciate it if you could sign up a couple of new memberships at your event, too. Remember if you sign up 5 new members, your next year’s membership fee will be waived.
In order to list a Canada Club! event you must be a member of the CSA and have a personal email so that the association may contact you should there be any questions or concerns regarding your posting.
After you have posted an event, be sure to order your Canada Clubs!placemats, which contain the Canadian and American National Anthems.
Click here to post a Canada Club! event, now.
Canada Club! Placemats
Planning a Social Event or a Canada Day? TELL US ABOUT IT!
Do you have a group of Canadians getting together in the United States for a meeting, an event, a lunch or a picnic? If you do, let us know! We will send you placemats with the lyrics to the American and Canadian National Anthems for all of your guests and any other “goodies” we can get for you.
Every year the Canadian Snowbird Association distributes thousands of placemats to Canada Club events in the southern United States. This service is absolutely FREE! Note that you do not have to list your event in the Canada Clubs! listing to order placemats.
To get your supply of placemats, click on the Order Link given below. Placemats will be sent to you in just a few short weeks.