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Question about how long I can stay in the U.S.

Posted date : Dec 16, 2021

I went to the U.S. on Jan 14, 2021 and returned on July 1, 2021 (total 169 days) and I plan on going back to the U.S. on October 31 for another six months (end of April). Am I allowed to re-enter the U.S., since it would be considered more than 180 days total for 2021?


U.S. Immigration Laws for Snowbirds

Posted date : Sep 21, 2020

We are snowbirds who spent the winters in California. We have tracked our days in the U.S. very carefully and every year, we file Form 8840….


CSA Director Presentations

Posted date : Nov 15, 2019

Dear Snowbirds, Canadian Snowbird Association Directors are available for presentations in your local communities.


CSA Clarifies U.S. Travel Rules

Posted date : Aug 19, 2019

In a recent article which appeared on CBC News’ British Columbia website, it was suggested that Canadian citizens are only allowed to spend 120 days in the United States each year. For clarification purposes, the Canadian Snowbird Association would like to remind travellers to the U.S. that this information is incorrect.


Beyond the Border

Posted date : Aug 19, 2019

On February 4, 2011 the Canadian and U.S. governments issued a declaration known as Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness. The purpose of the program is to enhance security and increase the legitimate traffic of people, goods and services.


IRS Filing Question

Posted date : Aug 9, 2019

In 2019, we rented our Florida/Jensen Beach condo out to Americans (for the first time) for the months of February/March through a Jensen Beach-based realty management company. Can we pay the tax on these U.S. rental earnings in Canada, or must we pay it to the IRS?


Do business meetings count toward six-month rule?

Posted date : May 14, 2019

I’m rapidly approaching my six-month limit for days in the U.S. this year. However, about 30 of those days have been related to declared business travel to attend academic meetings and conferences in the U.S. Do these days still count toward my six-month limit? Is there a way to separate this kind of non-remunerated business […]


Tax Filing

Posted date : May 14, 2019

I am a Canadian citizen, but a non-resident of Canada – I currently live in Europe, where my wife is currently employed. I do have two properties in Florida that I rent out on an annual basis and I have been filing U.S. income tax returns since I purchased them. I have heard through the […]


U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number

Posted date : May 14, 2019

If you have a U.S. Individual Taxpayer ID number but have not filed a U.S. tax return for three years, the Tax ID number will expire. Can you confirm that filing Form 8840 – Closer Connection form does NOT constitute filing a U.S. tax return? Bob Bovaird Response : Ed.: Filing the Form 8840 does […]


Time out of country

Posted date : Dec 15, 2017

Confused; friends go out of country for just under six months each and every year. How is this possible with calculating back two years prior. Is there something I am not understanding, as a lot of people I know do five to six months every year. Herman B. Port Colborne, ON Response: Ed.: Your friends […]


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