
Bird Talk » Travel


New rules for bringing a dog into the U.S.

Posted date : Jul 16, 2024.

I was just reading something about the CDC changing rules in August 2024 about bringing your pet dog across the U.S. border. Seems as if there are forms that have to be completed prior to entry…


Passport expiry date

Posted date : Jul 16, 2024.

Would you please clarify the validity of a passport when you travel to the U.S. Some countries require six months, some three months and some have no limit..


Out-of-province insurance

Posted date : Jul 16, 2024.

What additional medical insurance is required to travel east from Ontario in Canada., i.e. through Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI and NFLD?


U.S. will

Posted date : Jul 16, 2024.

I read with interest the recent question regarding having a U.S. will if you own property in the U.S. However, it was not entirely clear to me whether a U.S. will is REQUIRED in order to allow property to be distributed in Canada…


OHIP coverage

Posted date : May 21, 2024.

Am I wrong, or is it not the LAW that OHIP MUST pay to a member of OHIP the amount spent on a legal medical claim whatever it would pay to a Canadian hospital or doctor?


U.S. days while on cruise/land tour

Posted date : May 21, 2024.

We are planning either a two-week or a three-week trip to Alaska starting and ending in Vancouver. The trip will start with a cruise from Vancouver to Alaska with multiple port stops…


Leaving a Canadian RV down in the U.S.

Posted date : May 21, 2024.

How long can we leave our Canadian 5th wheel down in the U.S.? If it is left for a few years, are there any issues to bring it back home to Canada across the U.S. border?


IRS 8840/B2 VISA

Posted date : May 21, 2024.

I know that an hour-long trip to the U.S. to shop is counted as a day in the U.S. for both visa and IRS purposes. I also know that a partial day spent travelling through the U.S. from one Canadian city to…


Foreign property ownership (U.S.)

Posted date : May 21, 2024.

We were told by a Canadian couple who own a home in Florida that your Canadian will does not apply to the U.S. In case of both of our deaths, the U.S. government would sell our house and we would have to pay all applicable U.S.


Permanent address in Canada for snowbirds in the U.S.

Posted date : May 21, 2024.

I have been looking and looking for info on regulations or requirements for a home address in Canada while snowbirding in the U.S. Do we need a physical address? What are the rules around this.


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